Quilt Show Reno

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Zip to ShapeDrawstring Bag Room N7

Zip to Shape
Drawstring Bag
Room N7

Linda McGehee
Wed. June 4, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

All Levels
Class Type:
Domestic Machine Sewing
Not required (BERNINA Sewing Machines are being sponsored by Going Batty!)

This quirky little drawstring bag is designed to lay flat for storage or travel and Zip to Shape for use. Designed with a band around the bag--we're using some of Linda's Kaleidoscope Designs--from her photography. Just like many other Ghee's patterns, the Zip to Shape has a secret pocket in the bottom. Half a zipper is used as pipping trim, while a complete zipper is used to form the shape of the bag. Learn an unusual zipper construction technique that becomes a focal point of this project. Quick, easy and fun way to get your creative juices flowing for Quilt Show Reno this year!

Kit/handout Fee: $35 (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:
Precut fabric, Kaleidoscope design to embellishment, stabilizer, zipper for closure, zipper for trim, decorative threads, draw string, pattern and more.

Student supply list:
Sewing basics (pins, clips, thread clips, marking pencil, fabric scraps for testing stitches)
Light and dark thread
5" scissors for cutting appliqué
Rotary Cutter with a New Blade
Rotary Ruler (at least 14" long)
Anything that makes your sewing easier.

SKU #: 202W
Wed. June 4, 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM

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