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Transferring your own Sashiko Design to FabricRoom N2

Transferring your own Sashiko Design to Fabric
Room N2

Dorie Javier
Tue. June 3, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

All levels
Class Type:
Not required

This class is a long-awaited one that everyone has been asking me to do. So here it is...join me on this event and create/transfer your pattern to fabric to stitch as sashiko embroidery.

Kit/handout Fee: $45 (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:

Marking pen
Blue fabric
A sashiko needle
I will provide the design pattern ONLY on the class project.

Student supply list:
A MUST: Bring your own LightPad box preferably a big one
Hoop (can be purchased in the class)

Call Dorie if you have any questions at 916 985 2299.

SKU #: 112T
Tue. June 3, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

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