Quilt Show Reno

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Teeny Tiny Collage Butterfly  Room N5

Teeny Tiny Collage
Room N5

Kim Maier
Wed. June 4, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

All Levels
Class Type:
Collage Technique
Machine(s): Not required

Come and play with beautiful fabric and learn the art of fabric Collage. In this 6-hour class you'll see samples and instructions on all things Collage. This design is 16" x 20" and is a good place to start your Collage journey.

Kit/handout Fee: $60.00 (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:
Pattern, Fabric, Steam a seam 2, Pattern ease, #2 pencil

Student supply list: Serrated scissors (Karen K Buckley 6" preferred), Appliqué pressing sheet (17" x 24")

* The above supplies will be available to purchase in the classroom.

SKU #: 204W
Wed. June 4, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

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