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Spray and SpongePainted ShirtsRoom N2

Spray and Sponge
Painted Shirts
Room N2

Sue Purdy
Thu. June 5, 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Class Type:
Machine(s): Not required

I'm taking you back to my roots. I started spray painting with tape, so we're creating a lattice-painted shirt and adding sponge-painted flowers and applique bees and flowers. No talent required.

Kit/handout Fee: $30.00 (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:
5 paints, 1 stencil,1/4" tape, Appliqué flower, Appliqué stems and bees, 1 spray bottle, Crystals, Shaving cream, Paint containers, Sponge sticks, Stir sticks.

Student supply list:
* 2 T-shirts or material
* Frixion pen
* Mini iron
* 12" ruler

Come early to class; 7:30 am if possible

SKU #: 300TH
Thu. June 5, 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

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