Quilt Show Reno

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ScrappyCarpenter StarRoom N6

Carpenter Star
Room N6

Michele Crawford
Tue. June 3, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Class Type:
Machine(s): Sewing Machine required

This template free "variation" on a scrappy log cabin block requires sewing strips and squares together; sub-cutting and sewing them back together to make a 12" block. This 47" square wall hanging has 5 blocks sewn in one color way, and the other 4 blocks are created in a complimentary color way. Michele will share her precise cutting, piecing tips and pressing tips to help you accurately sew this block, and pieced border.

*This is a technique class, and the quilt will not be completed in class.

Kit/handout Fee: $10 (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:
Quilt pattern and handout

Student supply list:
We will be creating 1 - 2 sample quilt blocks to learn how to create this block.
Note: The colors of the fabric below refer to the quilt photo.
*Please use whatever fabric and colors you desire.
Materials List for 1 Block: (please bring fabric for 2 blocks if desired)
1/4 yard Fabric A (light blue in the quilt photo)
1/6 yard Fabric B (medium blue in the quilt photo)
1/6 yard Fabric C (dark blue in the quilt photo)
1/8 yard Fabric G (fuchsia fabric in quilt photo that makes the "X" in the block)
1/6 yard Fabric H (lightest fabric - for background - you can make this any color you choose)
One large spool of 100% cotton thread to match your fabric
*If desired: your own rotary cutter, ruler (at least a 6" x 14" ruler) and cutting mat
Basic sewing supplies
Sewing machine

* SEWING MACHINES ARE NOT PROVIDED IN THIS CLASS. Bring your own machine in good working order, pedal and cord.

Sewing Machine and Supply storage: For your convenience, we have available, free of charge temporary and overnight storage at the class registration desk located at Nevada Office 1, across the hall from classroom N5 on the lower level of the hotel.

SKU #: 101T
Tue. June 3, 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM

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