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Pattern AlterationBoot Camp Room N1

Pattern Alteration
Boot Camp
Room N1

Lorraine Henry
Fri. June 6, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

All levels
Class Type:
Not required

In a perfect world, all figures would be alike - in perfect form. In the real world, we come in all shapes and sizes. Learn what comes first in selecting the right size, what measurements you need, measurement analysis to determine where and what to change for a "combo pack" figure, and much more. Then using half-scale practice patterns, we will alter patterns for such figure combinations as a short midriff which requires the pattern to be shortened but a rounded back which requires the pattern to be lengthened. We often find opposing figure variations such as this. We will learn how to do large busts, prominent busts, prominent abdomen alterations, and more. Learn the order to make these changes so the fit will be correct.

Kit/handout Fee: $20 (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:

Page protectors
Instruction sheets
Practice patterns
Alteration backing papers.

Student supply list:
10 x 12 (approx.) piece of foam board or 1/4 inch thick cardboard
Small paper scissors
Invisible or removable "Scotch" tape
Straight pins
Small (6-12 inches) clear ruler

SKU #: 403F
Fri. June 6, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

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