Quilt Show Reno

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Paper PiecingCan Be Easy! Room N3

Paper Piecing
Can Be Easy!
Room N3

Connie Spurlock
Thu. June 5, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

All Levels
Class Type:
Quilting/Sewing - No machines
Machine(s): Not required

Some think that paper piecing is too confusing - it does not have to be! Yes, the steps are opposite of what you traditionally do in sewing but with easy steps, and a little instruction, you can experience success. Wish all of your points were perfect - let us show you how. You will have a pattern, fabric, and instructions to make this easy. Skeptics are welcome and you will love the precision!

Kit/handout Fee: None

Student supply list:
Scissors will be helpful

SKU #: 310TH
Thu. June 5, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

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