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Hand Embroidery with Peel, Stick, and StitchRoom N6

Hand Embroidery with Peel, Stick, and Stitch
Room N6

Michele Crawford
Wed. June 4, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

All Levels
Class Type:
Not required

Hand embroidery is a HOT skill now to learn and embellish many personal and home items using your creativity! With a printed design on a washaway embroidery stabilizer; just peel off the back; stick it onto the fabric; and hand embroider as desired! Once the design is completed, soak the fabric in warm water to remove the water-soluble embroidery paper; let dry; and use! It's a portable project where you decide what stitches and floss colors to use!

Michele will teach you the stem stitch, backstitch, outline stitch, running stitch, satin stitch and French knot. A short power point program of ideas that can be hand embroidered will be presented for inspiration.

* This is a technique class, and the project will not be completed in class.

Kit/handout Fee: $10 (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:
Main floral design (over pocket) and 2 daisies (collar) on the water-soluble embroidery paper
6" square of practice fabric to learn stitches; and a skein of floss to learn and practice stitches
Instructional handout for the stitches you will learn

Student supply list:
Bring your own fabric (your choice of colors), but the sizes and colors noted next to each piece refer to the red/white/blue photo sample. All the red fabrics are different in the sample, but each group of 4 or 8 could be the same fabric - your choice.

Button down shirt (long or short sleeves) - prewashed
Embroidery Needles - size 9 and 10
Embroidery floss (6 strands - prefer DMC) - 1 skein of 4 different colors of your choice (see photo - sample used green, white, yellow and pink).
* IF you are going to stitch a running stitch (shown) or a buttonhole stitch on the pockets and collar: or the yellow daisy, you will need 2 skeins of those colors
4" round embroidery hoop
Small sharp pair of scissors
*If needed or desired: Thimble; battery operated portable light

SKU #: 201W
Wed. June 4, 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM

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