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Draping Fundamentals:Lower BodyRoom N1

Draping Fundamentals:
Lower Body
Room N1

Joe Vecchiarelli/Nick Verreos
Tue. June 3, 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Class Type:
Machine(s): not required

Learn to create 3 different pairs of pants. Joe will measure you and you will learn to draft the straight leg, palazzo pants, and skinny legs to fit you. Learn the fundamentals of draping pants as you work along with Joe to create a basic straight pant using a body form. Includes, learning about taking proper measurements, comparing them to the body form, calculating for and drawing the initial pattern from those measurements, and then tweaking it on the form itself. Complete the creation of several pants styles in class, working and knowledge to drape your own pants on your body double at home.

Kit/handout Fee: $40.00 (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:
Muslin, Marking Paper, 2x18 Ruler, Tape Measure, Industrial Tracing Wheel, Awl, #17, French Curve, Draping Tape, and a Pencil.

Student supply list: Scissors

SKU #: 104T
Tue. June 3, 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM

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