Quilt Show Reno

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Diamond GlazePendant Room N1

Diamond Glaze
Room N1

Suzanne English
Tue. June 3, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Class Type:
Not required

We will be taking a metal bezel, and fill it with beads, shells, pearls, and/or charms covered in Diamond Glaze (glue and sealant that will dry clear). A wire bail can be attached to hang from a chain or ribbon.

Kit/handout Fee: $10 - Cash only, please (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:

2 Bezel
Bead soup (could include glass and/or metal beads, crystals, pearls, shells, or charms)
Wire for bail

Student supply list:
Small 2 oz bottle of Diamond Glaze (may be purchased online or possibly at JoAnn's or Michael's craft store)
Needle nose pliers

SKU #: 110T
Tue. June 3, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

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