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Correcting theCrotch CurveRoom N3

Correcting the
Crotch Curve
Room N3

Lorraine Henry
Fri. June 6, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

All levels
Class Type:
Machine(s): Not required

And maybe legs of the pant! What is the difference between fitting a skirt and fitting pants? The Crotch Curve! Essentially pants are a skirt with a crotch extension. Getting it shaped correctly and sometimes the legs, is the difference between a good fit and a not-so-good fit. See a comparison of all the major pattern company's curves and learn why they fit differently. A comparison of ready-to-wear pants to commercial patterns will be shown. Techniques will be shown of how to evaluate your figure. Then learn how to correct your choice of patterns for a terrific fit.

Kit/handout Fee: None

Student supply list: None

SKU #: 412F
Fri. June 6, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM

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