Quilt Show Reno

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CalypsoRoom N6


Room N6

Michele Crawford
Tue. June 3, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Class Type:
Machine(s): Sewing Machine required

Calypso is a great project for a scrap quilter! There are sections that are strip pieced and sub cut; and 3 pattern pieces! Learn how to create pattern pieces with template plastic. The sample quilt uses 4 different colorways with a light and dark color value which provides an interesting secondary pattern. This quilt would look great using 2 shades of one color plus 1 light fabric OR make it totally scrappy using lights, mediums, and darks!

*This is a technique class so only 1 -2 blocks will be sewn.

Kit/handout Fee: $10 (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:
Quilt pattern plus handout

Student supply list:
We will be creating 1 - 2 sample quilt blocks to learn how to create this block.
Note: The colors of the fabric below refer to the quilt photo.
*Please use whatever fabric and colors you desire.

Materials List for 1 Block: (please bring fabric for 2 blocks if desired)
1/8 yard Fabric C (light pink in quilt photo)
1/8 yard Fabric E (pink in quilt photo)
8" square Fabric H (yellow in quilt photo)
1/8 yard Fabric J (white in quilt photo)
On spool of 100% cotton thread to match fabric
6" x 9" clear template plastic
#5 Micron permanent pen - black
Scissors to cut plastic
Scissors to cut paper
*If desired: your own rotary cutter, ruler and cutting mat
Basic sewing supplies
Sewing machine

* SEWING MACHINES ARE NOT PROVIDED IN THIS CLASS. Bring your own machine in good working order, pedal and cord.

Sewing Machine and Supply storage: For your convenience, we have available, free of charge temporary and overnight storage at the class registration desk located at Nevada Office 1, across the hall from classroom N5 on the lower level of the hotel.

SKU #: 105T
Tue. June 3, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

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