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Beaded CabochonPendantRoom N4

Beaded Cabochon
Room N4

Suzanne English
Sat. June 7, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Class Type:
Not required

A stone, glass, or shell cabochon will be used to make a beautiful pendant by sewing a seed bead bezel and larger beads around the cabochon. The pendant will be backed by ultra suede and ready to hang on your own chain or ribbon.

Kit/handout Fee: $25 - Cash only, please (Paid to the teacher in the classroom).
Kit includes:

Mounted cabochon
Seed beads
2 size 12 needles
Size D Nymo thread
Beeswax (to condition thread)
Bail (to hang the pendant from your chain)
Ultra-suede (for outer backing)
Written instructions

Student supply list:
Small sharp scissors (to trim edges and cut thread)
E6000 glue (to glue backing- can be purchased at JoAnn's, Michaels, or online)
A light or reading glasses (if needed- you are working with small seed beads)
Bead mat if you have one

SKU #: 504S
Sat. June 7, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

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